Monday, 14 September 2015


No thanks to Leona who whatsapp me the following pic and insisted I go and try it for the child in her, Pauline and I found ourselves seated at Sansab Restaurant at Siam Paragon, ordering what seemed to be on every table occupied by teenagers and families with very young children.
Marketed rather ingeniously as Tom Yum UFO, we get Mama instant noodles submerged in Tom Yum and surrounded by prawns, cuttlefish, fishballs, corn and mushrooms. On their peripheral are cheese, more corn, little eggs and black Japanese seaweed. All of these can be yours, Leona, for 570 baht! There is a 470 baht version where the seafood is replaced with processed meats like sausages, hotdog and luncheon meat. Did I enjoy it? Well, yes. Will I eat it again? Well, no.
But kudos to their prawn salad with wing beans (this vegetable Pauline highlighted to me which has four pointy tips and is so very yummy).
Even the beautifully-wrapped rice has a lovely surprise waiting for us. The pack of fried condiments tasted so heavenly with it (the rice, not the leave wrap!).
But the highlight of our meal was these two Thai ladies whose noses were s-t-r-e-t-c-h to their utmost limit. Like the name of our dish, I think they can be seen from UFOs. I was especially worried for that girl in cap with the freshly-fillered trout pout; that her nose insert might somehow do a prison break, fly out and land on someone's food. That would be more horrifying than any close encounter of the third kind, na ka?! 

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